Gunning material is composed of refractory material with a certain particle gradation, chemical bond admixture. It is an unshaped refractory material used when repairing thermal equipment lining by spray construction method. Ladle magnesia carbon brick is one of the main types of spray materials.
According to the gunning material state spraying method, it can be divided into three types:
(1) Wet gunning, generally only thin-layer repairs.
(2) Dry gunning (also called semi-dry gunning), which can be used for thicker layer gunning, is the most widely used.
(3) Flame gunning can obtain a densely structured gunning layer with high bonding strength strong erosion resistance erosion resistance.
According to the state of receiving sprayed materials on the sprayed working surface, it can be divided into:
(1) The molten material injection method is divided into 3 types: flame injection method, plasma injection method, slag splashing method. [1]
(2) The cold material injection method is divided into 5 types: mud injection method, dry injection method, semi-wet injection method ( wet injection method), mixed injection method, wet injection method.
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